Thank you for writing this Ida. You touch on questions, struggles and concerns all writers (and many thinkers) are grappling with:
- What is my purpose? W
- hy am I here?
- What can I do today to make a difference?
- Can I write something that will help others?
Your essay helped readers with some of these imortant questions.
You are making a difference and helping others and it sounds like you're reading a lot of good and helpful books. Let them guide you by letting God talk to you and you to Him.
There are so many good intentioned writers on social media telling us what to do and not do. But they have their own unique purpose and mission.
Maybe your simple question and prayer to God are more most helpful: Simply pray to Him and ask Him what He wants you to write (Divine inspiration) and who He wants you to write to and for. And keep the faith! Thanks again.