Good question. In a word? Economics (we took advantage of all the subsidies making the EVs affordable at the time). Our 2013 Volt was probably the “coolest” and most fun (kind of like the Batmobile) and remembering gas that went for $4 or more in 2008, EVs seemed like a good alternative. But supply and demand: when you increase EV sales, you lower demand for oil (and its price).
Our 2017 Volt was a better vehicle in many ways but (like the 1960 Edsel vs. the 1958 Edsel) they tried to make it more “normal” (boring). Both had a lease payment of $399. But guess what happened in 2019?
GM was no longer pushing the Volt so a payment on leasing a 2019 Volt would have been more than $700 (crazy expensive for what you get for the money) and of course, the Volt died soon after. The Volt’s successor was a step down so no one wanted them: The Bolt is ugly (looks like an econo car) so we wouldn’t even consider the ugly Bolt and as for the cooler EVs that are out there, we aren’t going to pay six figures for any car. We could have bought our old Volt very cheaply but the problem with buying a used EV is the same problem as buying a used iPhone: the battery will need to replaced and no one wants the bill.