Elizabeth: This is a key sentence because in the very next paragraph, she speaks of loving truth, reason, etc. more than you.
If, as she states, she can have "my truth" as opposed to "the truth," this truly is the core issue. When we all decide to have our own truths, then we all make ourselves our own God and that's why they say Americans now worship about 330 million gods (the culture of self).
Padre Pio similarly said the root of all evil is "I, me, and mine." Let's assume for a minute that we all tried to live without one God. If we all worship our own gods, then being together in a community (or even a family) is rather impossible.
But when you know there is one God who is love, truth, wisdom, and beauty itself, you suddenly have a "tie breaker" for every "us vs. them" or "me vs. you" argument.
You can simply ask, "God, what do you suggest?" Will pray for all of you. Also, here is a video I saw touching on this topic that you might find helpful: