Something that popped into my head: “Maybe will be your Church for now’’ but this much is true beyond a shadow of a doubt:
You are a miracle, a living walking and breathing miracle created for a special purpose. Only one of you in the whole world and that ALONE makes you beautiful and precious.
The only one known to survive? THAT IS AN INCREDIBLE GIFT, a miracle truly. As JPII said, you are “unique and unreapeatable’’ created for a specific purpose. God doesn’t make junk. Everything He makes has a purpose and a reason. The evil one, father of lies, makes nothing but does distort and twist good into bad. And sometimes we do that to ourselves.
We all hate ourselves sometimes (shame) and the people who know and love us best also hate us sometimes. There I sat at that event Saturday alone (my son acted like he would come when I bought his ticket but didn’t come or answer calls and texts so I was feeling quite alone in a crowded room of 1,500). And the gift of that: I got to know what it feels like to be the Father: you create these people, love them with all your heart and they ignore you or walk away as if you are nothing. Hurts. But we do that to our creator so often.
So it was with Christ: a god who humbled himself to become a defenseless baby. Christians alone worship the most humble and humiliated god ever known. Our crosses showing him aren’t exactly accurate: He was stripped naked (but we don’t show that), tortured and humiliated yet we worship someone who was puinshed and humiliated and mocked and spit on and hated and betrayed in the worst possible way by people who hated him (and equally or worse) hurt and betrayed by his own people. But an important lesson: Judas blamed himself for his wrongdoing and apparently went to hell for what he did while Peter denied Christ three times but begged for mercy, was forgiven and got to be the first pope. We all have good and evil within us and that’s our challenge: to learn how to help the good overcome the bad.
My favorite definition of Divine Mercy is suffering combined with love together make something even more miraculous than what existed before. You are a beautiful irreplaceable soul Chrissie and I know God loves you because God created you and I know that you have love within you and truth within you and that the love and truth are also God. Keep believing!