Beautiful words Ryan. Peter Kreeft has a line: “You know what the worst thing is about Christianity? Christians!’’ We are all imperfect, all sinners, all flawed. Yet repeatedly we do that Pharissee thing and find one person “doing it wrong’’ or saying something dumb and use that as our excuse to walk away. The devil influences us to do that, of course. We don’t do that in other areas of life: we point to the stars doing it right and try to emulate them rather than using the bad ones as an excuse to quit. Remember when ISIS was cutting off heads for anyone who wouldn’t accept Islam and how this inspired some to bravely take a stand for Christ risking their lives. Why? One woman explained that EVERY religion hates its enemies but Christianity was the only religion that PRAYED for and LOVED its enemies. Because our founder called on us to do so. So glad to read about your journey. May God Bless and guide you and your family and Happy Thanksgiving!