One Crucial Way Iran is Different from Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, and Vietnam

Iran invaded U.S. soil by capturing a U.S. embassy and taking hostages — 40 years later, Americans haven’t forgotten…

Joseph Serwach
6 min readJan 9, 2020
Iranians capturing the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran November 4, 1979. Public Domain photo.

Americans are infamous for not knowing — or caring — much about other countries: Even Joe Biden confused Iran and Iraq in a major foreign policy address.

A new meme has a movie star asking “Aren’t you afraid Trump is leading us into war?’’ The comeback:

“We’ve been at war in the Middle East for over 15 years. The Obama administration bombed seven difference countries, took out the leader of Libya, and was at war every single day of his presidency… and NOW you’re afraid of war?’’

We’ve been battling most of the 21st century since 9/11 but what about the past 40 years of conflict with Iran? A 40-year-war?

Iran behaves as if it’s at war, constantly lashing out at Americans and U.S. interests. Starting in 1979, Iranians took hostages, chanted “Death to America,” burned U.S. Flags supported terrorist attacks — but America never actually went to war with Iran.

Two major exceptions to the “norm’’ over the past 40 years:

  1. Operation Praying



Joseph Serwach

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.